Monday, February 21, 2011

Mayor of Procrastination Town

I am the Queen of procrastination
the ruler, its owner, and I even procrastinated blogging. 

I make lists about nearly everything and nothing seems to get accomplished
Though I have this non-disease disease about me, I did some things done today. 
like tanning, go ahead and tell me how I'm going to get cancer and die. 
blah, blah, blah

well tanning gives you endorphins and they make you happy. 
I also signed up for the YMCA today and got the full tour. 
so I have made some progress from my very first post about my new years goals. 

but my procrastination is so out of control that I have needed to do laundry for a couple of days, so I stripped my sheets to really do some laundry

and I put off doing laundry, guess who didn't sleep with any sheets last night? me
my crafts have suffered from this non-disease disease. 

but I did start/finish some junk today and I just keep adding to my list of things that need to get done. 

and I'm starting on this sewing/painting on a canvas. You can only guess what the outcome will say, I'm full of surprises. 

Even though I can't start and finish anything that has to do with crafts in a timely manner, I thought it would be a great idea to make my first piece of clothing. (I made an apron, but that doesn't count as clothing. unless you are an floozy)

despite my laziness of everything in my life. I have decided that instead of camping at my parents house forever, I'm going to try and move back to my hometown and help take care of my grandparents. I've only just started looking for jobs and I haven't told too many people, including my grandparents. But you bet your bottom dollar I started buying stuff for my potential place. 

like this wine rack.....that is going to be sanded and painted a completely different color.

I also bought a 1960's/1970's liquor cart. its not cleaned up yet, but as soon as I windex that glass and shine up the brass it will be perfect. I'm so excited its unbelievable. 

While some of my family members aren't as excited in my new decision as others, I believe that it is an adverture and I would love to spend more time with my extended family as well. So lets all think positive about it. thanks

and as for my nervousness giving my friend is magnetic board? HE LOVED IT!!!!! whew, that's over with. I even posted about him TWICE! that's pretty big. But now I can move on and give more crafty presents to boys.  woooooooooooohooooooooooooooo. party on!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Living in Oklahoma has its ups and downs. 
Lately the weather has been a problem. 

While everyone that I come in contact with has something to complain about, I keep trying to think of things that are positive to keep me from choking my dog as I continue to shovel my way out to civilization. 

  • I found a brand new bottle of rum underneath my car seat (I don't know how it got there)
  • I have a job, house, and a father that drives me to work when the weather is this bad
  • This weather finally gives me time to update my blog, because I'm so busy and all
  • And its giving me time to work on crafts.....
Speaking of crafts.........

I found a hub cab on the side of the road and the hoarder inside me told me I needed it. 
So obviously I picked it up and thought, what a nice clock this would make. 
I had my grandpa help me drill the hole and after 3 trips to Hobby Lobby and him telling me that it wasn't center, it turned out perfect. 

Although I am a die hard Sooners fan, one of my high school buddies goes to OSU and he's about to graduate. I normally make these magnetic boards for girls, I figured I might try and make one for a boy and see how they like it. I also figured that he has to like it because we're friends. Normally I just have a scrapbook paper backing, but I spray painted chalkboard on this one and used beer bottle caps as magnets. Yeah, I'm pretty awesome, lets just see his reaction when I finally give it to him. 

These are just 2 of the million I have made for family and friends. With these lovely magnetic boards, I've found that Mod Podge has become my best friend and the lady over at Mod Podge Rocks is awesome, crazy nice, and she even has tutorials on how to use Mod Podge if you are a beginner at the mixture of basically glue and water. 

My next projects include a sewing/painting on canvas.
This is the one I made for my mom for Christmas, she's a quilter and lovvvveeeeessssssss to sew. oh the irony 

and my bestie wants some pillows made for her new apartment. 
More pictures to come, but I'll just leave you with this little lovely text from my lover