Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Beginnings

It's a new year and like everyone else in the world I want to start over and work on myself....blah, blah, blah. 

well today I'm feeling the pressure of getting out of my college town and into a career, living on my own, paying my own bills, and FINALLY feeling like a real grown up. 

I couldn't be prouder of my best friend getting a job right after college. 

(she's on the left)

but it makes me wonder, what am I doing wrong or did I say no to the right opportunities? 

It could always be worse and I'm throwing the worlds biggest pity party right now. 
I'm trying to look on the bright side; I have a job, I'm not homeless, friends and family love me

so aside from getting into my career this year, I'm going to be positive and to start working out. 
but since I have no motivation and my self-esteem is like blllllaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh

I'm failing at all three. 

Here's to the most depressing post ever. 

(I'm definitely not looking for comments on reassurance, just expressing my feelings)

1 comment:

  1. i love you kate burg. when the time comes, you will know to say yes to the right opportunity. its all on your timing! and YES for fitness :) I'm right there with you on trying to do that again this year. and thanks for the shout out!!

    your number one fan
